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Eye in Beijing - inventory of events in Beijing in May

日期:2021-07-31   访问量:1238

On June 9-11, the 2021 Chin a (Zhengzhou) Intern a tion a l sand and gravel, tailings and construction solid waste treatment technology exhibition and 2021 central sand and gravel aggregate industry green development forum with the theme of "green win-win to help domestic sales" was held in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. The event was hosted by Henan sand and gravel Association, Henan natural resources investment group and global crusher network. Jingzhong heavy mine was invited to participate in the exhibition.

At the same time, 2021 central sand and gravel aggregate industry green development forum, national green mine science and Technology Forum and other activities were held. At the green development forum of the central gravel and aggregate industry, Hu Youyi, President of China gravel Association, delivered a keynote speech entitled "development model and future trend of China's gravel industry". He talked about "the current national environmental protection situation", "documents on gravel issued by governments at all levels", "market demand for gravel and aggregate" "Development model of sand and gravel industry" and "several problems that enterprises should pay attention to" analyze and summarize the development of sand and gravel industry at the present stage.

Hu Youyi pointed out that in September 2020, China put forward a new goal to deal with climate change and strive to achieve carbon peak by 2030; Achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Realizing "carbon peaking and carbon neutralization" is a profound economic and social systematic change, which will form an industrial structure, production mode, lifestyle and spatial pattern of saving resources and protecting the environment. Enterprises should actively participate in low-carbon development and do a good job in carbon peaking and carbon neutralization.

He mentioned several major issues that enterprises need to pay attention to: the state has issued documents prohibiting the use of solid clay bricks, the traditional brick and tile industry has been revolutionized, the traditional sand and stone mining enterprises have been eliminated, and the cement enterprises have entered the aggregate industry. In the future, major cement groups will further increase the investment in aggregate production capacity. The waste rock and low-grade limestone of cement enterprises will be used as aggregates, and a new batch of enterprises will be required! At present, in response to the trend of national environmental protection, the production capacity of the coal industry will gradually reduce and turn to the gravel industry. The tailings waste rock industry and the cement industry are among the gravel industries. The gravel mining and equipment enterprises should have a sense of crisis. In the future, more than 10000 large-scale modern green and environment-friendly stone mining enterprises will be built. Therefore, large-scale, green and intelligent mines will become an inevitable condition for the long-term survival of the gravel industry, and all gravel enterprises should pay attention to it

上一篇: Eye in Beijing - inventory of events in Beijing in May


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